The “Skolkovo Method”

The “Skolkovo Method”

How a little-known organization from Tolyatti became the “system-thinking-activity” forge for personnel at Russian universities. Ekaterina Trubnikova   Photo: Virtually no critical analysis of Skolkovo’s activities is to be found in the media or scientific...
“Scientific Anti-Americanism”

“Scientific Anti-Americanism”

Repressive measures are affecting American educational and scientific organizations operating in Russia, as well as those who collaborate with them. Dmitry Dubrovsky   Photo: First and foremost, Soros’ Open Society Foundations has been proclaimed an evil...
Confrontation or Obscurity?

Confrontation or Obscurity?

What awaits Russian science under sanctions Irina Dezhina   Photo: Those most affected by the sanctions were more mobile scientists and young researchers, as well as leading research institutes and universities. Photo by FlyD on Unsplash   Historical Retrospective In...
Death in the Public Sphere

Death in the Public Sphere

The experience of war is changing Russian society, deforming attitudes towards death. Oleg Reut   Photo: The “problematic” memory of the dead is inconvenient primarily for politicians speaking on behalf of the state. Photo by Alexander Sinn on Unsplash   How...
The Re-Sovietization of Human Rights

The Re-Sovietization of Human Rights

Russian human rights education has been forced to revert to the patterns of the 70s, where Soviet conceptions are combined with pro-war propaganda and a complete inversion of international law. Dmitry Dubrovskiy   Although the USSR participated in preparing the...