

Ukraine and Ukrainians in Russian higher education and science Dmitry Dubrovsky   Photo: Denying the statehood of Ukraine—a stance that used to be part of the official discourse in Russia—is now being framed in university history courses as a “scientific approach to...
Zinoviev Club vs. Academics

Zinoviev Club vs. Academics

The issue of power at the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Philosophy is resolved through staffing scandals and propaganda campaigns. Andrei Rodin   At the beginning of 2024, Olga Zinovieva, widow of the philosopher Alexander Zinoviev and founder of the...
Russian “Student Societies”

Russian “Student Societies”

Nationalist and conservative student societies are becoming more active in Russian universities. Dmitry Dubrovsky   Photo: The network of “Russian societies” is distinguished by its particularly conservative-Orthodox inclinations. Photo by Elena Mozhvilo on...
Can Survey Results in Russia (Not) Be Trusted?

Can Survey Results in Russia (Not) Be Trusted?

In the last two years, Russian public opinion surveys about approval of the army’s actions in Ukraine and Russia’s political course have been heavily criticized. How fair is this criticism? Arseny Verkeev   Photo: The gradual decline in the percentage of people...
A Year without Academic Freedom

A Year without Academic Freedom

Rights and liberties in Russian higher education and the sciences in 2023. Dmitry Dubrovsky   Photo: The normalization of the daily nightmare in Russia has led the repressive Russian government to exert political and ideological control over higher education and...