by Umnov | Oct 13, 2023 | blog
Russian medical sciences’ shift in focus toward collaboration with new partners will likely mean a change in quality. Ekaterina Dyachenko, Yuri Agafonov, and Katerina Guba Photo: The role of international collaboration as a driver of top-level Russian medical...
by Umnov | Sep 20, 2023 | blog
The rights prescribed by the Russian Constitution and the Law on Education cannot be provided or protected within Russia. Dmitry Dubrovsky Photo: The law contains a large number of rights, none of which are actually ensured through enforcement. Photo by...
by Umnov | Sep 3, 2023 | blog
How the Kremlin’s politics are aggravating the crisis facing those scientists who remain in Russia. Dmitry Rudenkin Photo: The atmosphere of freedom required for effective scientific work is dissipating in Russian universities. Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash ...
by Umnov | Aug 22, 2023 | blog
Why unapologetic opponents are rejecting “wokeness,” “cancel culture,” and other 21st-century phenomena. Dmitry Dubrovsky Photo: Post-industrial societies are especially sensitive to minority groups. Photo by Dyana Wing So on Unsplash “Wokeness” has long been a...
by Umnov | Jul 18, 2023 | blog
Three strategies for civic education. Part 2 Sonya Smyslova and Ella Rossman Photo: The goal of the theater is not only to reflect on social problems, but also to inspire direct political action. Photo: Belarus Free Theatre,...
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