Russia has compiled lists of scientific journals and publications that can be counted by scientists in their reports to their employers or grantors....

Russia has compiled lists of scientific journals and publications that can be counted by scientists in their reports to their employers or grantors....
A new study examines the barriers academics face and how their experiences and demographics...
Violations of academic freedom under the slogan of “protecting the constitutional order” Dmitry...
The Evolution of Academies of Sciences in Post-Soviet Central Asia Aikerim Bektemirova Photo:...
In the third year of Russian aggression against Ukraine, violations of freedom on Russian soil...
Why didn’t Russia's final liberal arts institute become the center of anti-war protests? Victor...
What are anti-war Russians in academia saying? Elena Pavlova Photo: Discussions abroad have...
Debates on models of academic freedom. Part 2 Dmitry Dubrovsky In Part 1 of this article, we...
Debates on models of academic freedom. Part 1 Dmitry Dubrovsky Photo: Where do competing...
When academic freedom is reduced to funding and accountability to funders, the Soviet period seems...
Academic freedom in Russia began to deteriorate long before the launch of full-scale hostilities....
The specifics of networking to promote your people and those loyal to your cause. Part 2 Katja...
The specifics of networking to promote your people and those loyal to your cause. Part 1 Katja...
Our response to the Russian Federation’s official response at the UN Dmitry Dubrovsky ...
How Russian teachers survive after being the subject of denunciation letters. “Pandora’s Sisters”...
Conference School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Almaty Management University Almaty, 31...
How Russian universities are working to normalize the war Dmitry Dubrovsky Photo: “Visual...
The government may be able to censor research activities at universities, but this will not stop...
From “non-traditional relationship propaganda” to “LGBT extremism” Dmitry Dubrovsky Photo:...
How a little-known organization from Tolyatti became the “system-thinking-activity” forge for...
Repressive measures are affecting American educational and scientific organizations operating in...
What awaits Russian science under sanctions Irina Dezhina Photo: Those most affected by the...
The experience of war is changing Russian society, deforming attitudes towards death. Oleg Reut...
Russian human rights education has been forced to revert to the patterns of the 70s, where Soviet...
Psychology recognizes several defensive responses to trauma: adaptation, denial, and resistance....
Ukraine and Ukrainians in Russian higher education and science Dmitry Dubrovsky Photo: Denying...
The issue of power at the Russian Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Philosophy is resolved through...
Nationalist and conservative student societies are becoming more active in Russian universities....
In the last two years, Russian public opinion surveys about approval of the army’s actions in...
Rights and liberties in Russian higher education and the sciences in 2023. Dmitry Dubrovsky ...
Conference | Yerevan State University | October 19-21, 2023 Elizaveta Potapova Photo: By...