The Science of International Collaboration

October 13 | 2023

Russian medical sciences’ shift in focus toward collaboration with new partners will likely mean a change in quality.

Ekaterina Dyachenko, Yuri Agafonov, and Katerina Guba


Photo: The role of international collaboration as a driver of top-level Russian medical publications is difficult to overstate. Photo by National Cancer Institute on Unsplash


In order to understand the consequences of the Russian military operation in Ukraine for Russian science, we must evaluate the achievements made by Russian science leading up to the early 2020s.

Is Russian science well enough established to overcome the negative effects of the large-scale emigration of scientists and their severing of ties with Russian institutions? The answer will vary across different fields. It is only logical to expect significant difficulties for sciences in which scientific growth is closely linked to international collaboration.

We used scientometric tools to assess the contributions that Russian medical research has made to global science, observing that the significant increase in publications in recent years has largely been due to international collaboration.

You can read more about our research in the report “The Internationalization of Russian Medical Science (2010–2020).”


Achievements in Medical Sciences before 2020

Starting in the 2010s, Russian science’s push for internationalization was declared on the state level and was supported by a number of measures that were put into practice.

For Russian scientists, the opportunities for international academic mobility, communication with foreign colleagues, and access to foreign scientific literature radically expanded during this period. In science management, scientometric indicators calculated using international scientific databases became popular. This created additional incentives for Russian scientists to publish their findings in foreign journals.

These efforts yielded results. Our analysis shows that the proportion of all Russian papers published in international journals rose from 6% in 2011 to 20% in 2020. However, since the majority of countries were trying to increase their publication numbers during this time, Russia did not gain a more prominent place on the global map of medical science.

Let’s compare Russia’s contribution to that of some other countries in the global medical publication pool.

We intentionally chose countries whose scientists face linguistic, cultural or financial barriers to publishing in authoritative medical journals, just as Russian scientists do. Compared to the BRICS countries, Turkey, and Iran, Russia’s contribution is relatively small in absolute terms, comparable to South Africa.

Number of Russian medical publications compared to other countries (according to data from Web of Science), 2010-2020
Distribution of Russian medical publications compared to other countries (according to data from Web of Science), 2010-2020

However, the increase in the number of publications by Russian scientists in foreign journals has not led to a significant increase in quality. Publications in high-quality (first-quartile) journals in 2010–2020 accounted for approximately 30% of the total, and this number fluctuated very little throughout this period.

Moreover, compared to other countries, papers by Russian authors are much more likely to be found in the 4th quartile (almost 50%).


International Collaboration as a Driver of Growth

How were Russian medical researchers able to increase their number of publications, including in international journals?

In many ways, this growth can be attributed to international collaboration. Whereas in 2010 nearly a third of publications by Russian authors in international journals were written in collaboration with foreign scientists, by 2020 this share had increased to 50%.

In first-quartile journals, 70% of publications by Russian authors in 2020 included foreign co-authors.

In addition, Russian authors only take the lead role of main/corresponding author 25% of the time. In other words, for the vast majority of articles written by international teams, the main authors are scientists from other countries.

We see the same pattern when analyzing articles published in the most prestigious journals. For example, during this period, The Lancet published only one “purely Russian” article. It is a widely known study by scientists from the N. F. Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology on the safety and immunogenicity of the Sputnik V vaccine.

Foreign collaborations were most often with scientists from the US, the UK, Germany, France, and Italy—all leaders in medical research. Prior to 2020, the number of joint publications with scientists from each of these countries grew steadily. By the end of the period, the international relations between these countries were embodied in hundreds of scientific articles published annually.

To what degree is this state of affairs specific to the Russian sciences?

Comparing data across multiple countries helps answer this question. We included the following countries in the analysis: the US, the UK, China, Germany, France, Italy, Canada, Japan, Australia, Brazil, India, South Africa, Turkey, and Iran.

The only country with a comparably high proportion of international collaborations in Q1 publications is South Africa. China is the outlier in this general trend, with a low and falling share of articles produced by international collaboration.

Thus, we can say that although Russia is not unique in this sense, Russian authors’ share of international collaborations in high-quality publications is among the highest.

The role of international collaboration as a driver of top-level Russian medical publications is difficult to understate.

Share of the country’s publications in first-quartile journals with international co-authorship, according to Web of Science.


What’s Next?

In light of the large role played by international collaborations, it should be expected that in the coming years, we may see a drop in the number of Russian publications in reputable medical journals.

It is important to emphasize that in those countries that are the main partners of Russian scientists, the share of articles written through international collaboration is extremely low. This represents an asymmetry in collaboration patterns. Many of the leaders in the production of medical knowledge (the US, the UK, Germany, and France) are major partners for Russian authors. However, for authors in these countries, the share of collaborations with Russia is insignificant.

For example, collaborations with the United States represented 36% of Russian publications in 2020, while in the same year collaborations with Russia represented only 1.4% of U.S. articles (the share is calculated from all co-authored articles in medical sciences).

We are not the main partner of these countries.

Perhaps we should expect that the share of articles co-authored with countries that Russia considers “friendly” will increase. Our research showed that in these countries, articles by Russian scientists were most often published either in little-known publications or even in “predatory” journals.

In other words, Russian medical sciences’ shift in focus toward collaboration with new partners will likely mean a change in quality.


* * *

A snapshot of the publication activity of Russian researchers at the end of 2022 already shows that Russian authors are reorienting themselves toward publishing houses with a controversial reputation (Frontiers and MDPI). Although their journals have high metrics, many foreign researchers urge others to avoid publishing with them. Over the past year, these are precisely the types of journals that have seen an increase in papers written by Russian authors. Moreover, these have been the journals in which Russian authors have been able to publish independently, without the participation of foreign researchers.

Russian authors face great challenges both in terms of developing international scientific cooperation and in terms of conducting high-level research on their own.


Ekaterina Dyachenko is a research fellow at the Center for Institutional Analysis of Science and Education at the European University at St. Petersburg.
Yuri Agafonov is a research fellow at E-Center (the EUSP Center for International Education Foundation).
Katerina Guba is the director of the Center for Institutional Analysis of Science and Education at the European University at St. Petersburg.


School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, Almaty Management University

Almaty, 31 October 2 November 2024


Academic freedom is a cornerstone of scholarly and research activities worldwide. The globalization of higher education and science necessitates a shared understanding of academic freedom principles globally, particularly in Eurasian countries. Despite the universality of academic freedom, the commitment to its protection and promotion varies and is shaped by the intricate interplay of legal, socio-political, and cultural contexts. A country’s legal regulations and policy frameworks significantly impact how the protection and promotion of academic freedom are understood and implemented.

The quality of democracy and freedom protection in a country also affects the level of academic freedom there. This effect is evident in the rapid challenges all political systems face, such as managerialism and consumerism in higher education. It is even more pronounced in undemocratic regimes with breaches of institutional autonomy and ideologization of higher education.

Equally striking is how the global academy interprets academic freedom when it encounters local traditions that are not universally democratic. In this regard, the operation of campuses of leading universities in authoritarian countries and the debates about the principles and conditions of their operation deserve additional interest.

These observable diversities raise the question of whether global academic freedom can be discussed as a universal concept and how to distinguish the diversity of academic freedom manifestations from aberrations. It also raises the question of how to protect and promote academic freedom as a principle while considering the legal, socio-economic, and cultural contexts in which it is practiced.

For a conference exploring the complexities of academic freedom in a global context, with a particular focus on Eurasian countries, here are some potential topics that could be addressed:

  • The cultural and social context of academic freedom in practice, the contextualization of academic freedom, its cultural and political interpretations, and the universality of academic freedom.
  • Academic freedom in democratic vs. authoritarian regimes, the balance between the social-economic dimension of academic freedom and political rights’ dimension,
  • Legal framework of academic freedom, comparative analyses of legislation, the impact of legal tradition on the application of academic freedom in different countries,
  • Globalization and academic freedom, including academic freedom on international campuses, academic exchange, and academic freedom strategies for maintaining academic standards and freedom in diverse political landscapes.
  • Managerialism and academic freedom, balance between financial sustainability and scholarly independence. Academic integrity and academic freedom
  • Effect of the social and political crises for the academic freedom, academic freedom for persecuted scholars: issues and supports of the scholars in exile
  • Ethnic and moral considerations in upholding academic freedom, including ethical dilemmas scholars faced due to the conflict between national and international academic standards.

The conference is organized by CISRus (Center for Independent Social Research) with generous support of Almaty Management University (AlmaU) and in information partnership with Ghent University.

The conference will be conducted in English. We welcome applications for individual contributions, which should include the title, a brief description (up to 200 words), and a short academic biography of the presenter (approximately 100 words). Presentations will be organized in either thematic panels or roundtable discussions. The organizing committee reserves the right to determine the presentation format (panel or round table) for each selected participant.

Please send your applications to the email:


Application Deadline: July 31, 2024

The Conference Committee is ready to provide accommodation for all participants for the days of the conference and has some capacity to contribute to the ticket costs as well. Please indicate your need for accommodation and travel expenses with your application.


The conference committee:

Dmitry Dubrovsky (Research Scholar, Department of Social Science, Charles University; Professor, Free University)

 Aleksandr Vileikis (Professor, School of entrepreneurship and innovation, AlmaU)

Elizaveta Potapova (Senior Researcher, Public Policy and Management Institute, Lithuania)

Irina Olimpieva (Director CISRus, Research Professor at the Institute for European, Russian and Eurasian Studies, George Washington University)


About AlmaU:

Almaty Management University – is a world-class, entrepreneurial, socially responsible university. More than 35 years in the education market, the oldest private university in the country, the 1st business school of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a pioneer of business education in the CIS.

The School of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (SEI) is a leading and internationally accredited (BGA&AMBA) entrepreneurship school with a commitment to excellence, innovation, and global perspective. SEI AlmaU offers a range of cutting-edge entrepreneurship programs designed to prepare students for successful careers in diverse fields.


Information for traveling:

Kazakhstan has adopted a policy allowing dozens of countries to enter without a visa. Please contact your local Kazakhstani embassy for further details. For guests who may require a visa, AlmaU will issue a letter of invitation confirming their participation in the conference. Participants will also receive information about housing and traveling to Almaty.


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