Violations of academic freedom under the slogan of “protecting the constitutional order” Dmitry Dubrovsky Photo: Russia's practice of...

Violations of academic freedom under the slogan of “protecting the constitutional order” Dmitry Dubrovsky Photo: Russia's practice of...
The shift in the political agenda has heavily influenced the scientific agenda. Mikhail Sokolov...
How the Russian state is introducing repression into the educational system Dmitry Dubrovsky...
Russian medical sciences’ shift in focus toward collaboration with new partners will likely mean a...
The rights prescribed by the Russian Constitution and the Law on Education cannot be provided or...
How the Kremlin’s politics are aggravating the crisis facing those scientists who remain in...
Why unapologetic opponents are rejecting “wokeness,” “cancel culture,” and other 21st-century...
Three strategies for civic education. Part 2 Sonya Smyslova and Ella Rossman Photo: The...
Three strategies for civic education. Part 1 Sonya Smyslova, Ella Rossman Photo:...
How expert evaluations are “defending the motherland” in the era of the Special Military...
7 Topical Titles That Will Captivate More than Just Specialists Andrei Gerasimov Photo: Any...
Russian history has ceased to be a scientific discipline and has become part of the military...
Russia is dominated by an authoritarian sociology afflicted with aphonia, aphasia, and public...
Science and higher education in exile are trying to do the (almost) impossible. Dmitry Dubrovsky...
The experience of teaching public administration in an era of war Kirill Shamyev Photo: In...
2022 gave Kazakh academia a unique chance for advancement. The key is to use it. Alexander...
Academic disputes about the guilt and accountability of Russian professors Dmitry Dubrovsky ...
The pay gap is most noticeable in research universities. Darya Gerashchenko and Katerina Guba ...
What does Iran’s experience tell us? Irina Dezhina Photo: According to Iranian researchers,...
If demand for independent Russian social sciences even exists today, there is nothing on the...
February 24, 2022, marked the beginning of a catastrophe for Russian science and higher education....
Working in the field is becoming even more difficult. Anna Temkina Photo: Gender studies...
How scientific and educational cooperation between Finland and Russia has collapsed since February...
The new policy of “The Foundations of Russian Sovereignty” against Article 13 of the Constitution...
Russian universities have become a place for pro-war propaganda and the persecution of anti-war...
How has the work of teachers at Russian universities changed since February 24? Lidiya Yatluk ...
Russian academia in post-revolutionary and current migration Dmitry Dubrovsky Photo: In...
Characteristics of Education at Russian Universities in 2022 Lidiya Yatluk Illustration: He...
“Academic patriotism” and “pure science” versus “academic citizenship.” Dmitry Dubrovsky ...
Two or three years ago, the pandemic dramatically mobilized the development of digital education...
Russian scientific journals have only just learned to work according to international standards....